Gemma Kimberly Sweet is a 19-year-old teenager who enjoys relaxing, stealing candy from babies and golf. He is exciting and energetic, but can also be very untrustworthy and a bit cowardly.
He is a Portuguese Jedi. He finished school and then left academia.
Physically, Gemma is in good shape. He is very short with brown skin, brown hair and black eyes.
He grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. He was raised by his father, his mother having left when he was young.
He is currently in a relationship with Iman Patricia Sanchez. Iman is 12 years older than him and works as an electrician.
Gemma's best friend is a teenager called Edie Ramos. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Dale Hall and Hayden Anderson. They enjoy binge-watching boxed sets together.